Wednesday 27 August 2008

Deputy pulls gun during stop of Diddy's entourage


A sheriff's surrogate pulled a gun on members of Diddy's entourage during a routine traffic stop over the weekend, but the situation was quickly solved and a spokesman for the entertainer said the deputy was professional and respectful.

The gun was never pointed at the hip-hop mogul, and deputies were "very respectful" during the stop early Saturday, spokesman Ed Tagliaferri said Monday.

Diddy was traveling on Sunset Boulevard in a seven-car convoy when a deputy pulled all over one of the vehicles. Combs was not in the automobile that was stopped for having an expired registration tag.

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore says the deputy became concerned when several men approached the vehicle. The deputy unholstered his artillery and the situation quickly cooled down.

No citations were issued because the cable car was a rental.

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Thursday 7 August 2008

Aranos and Nurse With Wound

Aranos and Nurse With Wound   
Artist: Aranos and Nurse With Wound



Santoor Lena Bicycle   
 Santoor Lena Bicycle

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 9

Acts Of Senseless Beauty   
 Acts Of Senseless Beauty

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 5